The Woman Who Was Caught In The Act Of Adultery

There are 12 little verses tucked away in the first half of John Chapter 8 that have caused more controversy and debate than most realize. Satan himself has gone to great lengths in the past 2000 years to remove these verses from our Bibles, but to no avail. The truth found in these 12 verses generated one of the hottest, nastiest and most slanderous debates found recorded between Jesus and the religious leaders. It even degenerated into an insult against Jesus' mother for sleeping around, insinuating that Jesus didn't know who is father was because he was born of fornication.

But in the midst of this heated debate, we find some of the most valuable treasures in the book of John. Jesus proclaims that he is the light of the world, that his followers will never walk in darkness but have the light of life, that abiding in his word is what gives us the truth that makes us free, and most importantly we finally begin to get a taste of just how vast and how far-reaching the power of God's Grace really is.

38 Minutes
September 26, 2013

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