Tornadoes In East Texas

April 29, 2017

Thanks everyone for all your prayers and emails! Don't worry, I'm OK!! I was about 50 miles away from Canton when it was hit. I was enjoying a typical Saturday afternoon at Lake Tyler with some friends. I knew East Texas was in for some rough weather, but we had reason to believe we wouldn't see anything too serious until later that evening. We were never on the water, just enjoying the atmosphere at The Boulders. Throughout the afternoon, we had strong winds and dark, menacing skies. As we closely monitored Doppler throughout the afternoon, we watched two intense, powerful, tornado-producing storms rise over us: one east of us, the other west of us, while we calmly sat in between them like idiots. It was all around us but never on top of us. My mother and sister were getting worried and kept texting us to break it up and come home. On my way home, as I was about 25 minutes away from my house, the Emergency Alerts took over the radio. All of our local news/weather affiliates monitored the storm until it dissipated into the night. I made it home safe and sound and the powerful storm that hit Canton lost it's steam by the time it reached me. It was a close call for me, but it was much worse for so many others.