When Jesus Attended The Feast Of Tabernacles

Jesus was met with opposition from family members, followers, strangers and religious leaders before, during and after his attendance to the Feast of Tabernacles. His brothers taunted him with their disbelief and sarcastic advice, the Samaritans rejected him on his way to Jerusalem, his followers had to be taught a lesson in mercy and then the religious leaders tried to arrest him, but failed. He was accused of hiding, of being a false teacher, of being a prophet and yet, with all the ignorance and opposition, Jesus continued to show his superior intelligence, his perfectly collected demeanor and flawless logic in perfectly chosen words in each and every verbal response given. With this appearance in Jerusalem, Jesus proclaimed his authority came from the Father, his origin was from the Father and his upcoming destination was to be back with the Father. He also offered living water to those who were thirsty and each conversation sent the people into divisions of debate and the religious leaders into a state of enraged confusion.

37 Minutes
April 23, 2013

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