4 Feet Of Hail Pounds Texas Panhandle

April 11, 2012

The so-called news media is no longer in the business of informing people of the news to keep them educated. It's rather obvious, that they are now in the business of shaping the news, hiding the news, distracting people FROM the news to keep them ignorant. There have been EIGHT major earthquakes (in diverse places) in less than a 24 hour period. All of them were over 6.0, five of them were over 7.0, two of them almost 9.0. Did you hear anything about it? Of coarse not! I couldn't even bring you a decent news link for this post. I had to resort to an earthquake monitoring site to bring you this. We've also got the hidden news of the Texas panhandle being pounded by over 4 feet of hail. I say "hidden" because unless you live in Texas, you probably haven't heard anything about this. The following video was taken by storm chaser Doug Black along with Storm Search 7 Chief Meteorologist Steve Kersh as they filmed mounds of hail piling up 2 to 4 feet and running in rivers near the Potter/Moore county line.